For Usan, alchemy is the basis of all artistic expression, thus transforming the given matter in new forms and structures, and in a way, "taming the nature".
Jorge Usan artworks are the product of a process detailed and rigorous creative. working every works individually, and one leading to the other with some linear momentum.
His pictorial works are the result of creative process of the last twenty years. The pieces that use wood as support, usually cedar, which is molded creating various volumes, to later be
inhabited by different elements that make up the work.
In this process so similar to fermentation,
Usán develops an entire universe in each
piece and each piece reaches its optimal moment, where he returns to the studio to continue with the plastic process and re-priming, coat over layer of white or black for later
enter the value of the fibers, where Usán heals
with tweezers in an extremely laborious and meticulous each in aunique treatment in each groove and each curve.